Denise Kiker / Teen Life Coach

I’ll help your daughter overcome what is really holding her back, to finding her CONFIDENCE.

Life Coaching for teen girls and young women.

I’ll show her a workable plan to get her where she wants to be.

  • Gain confidence, kicking her insecurities to the curb!

  • Get clarity in what she wants to be, choosing the right career path and area of study that’s right for her.

  • Overcome social anxiety / improve her social skills with peers and adults.

  • Learn how to manage her time so she’s not always overwhelmed and scrambling.

  • Learn how to manage her money now so she doesn’t get in financial trouble later.

  • Learn how to be an adult, acquiring valuable and realistic life skills.

  • Tell me where she struggles and I’ll help her overcome it!


You’re not alone. I can help your teen unleash her unique talents so she reaches her potential.


Denise was an amazing source of motivation and guidance which helped me better navigate the new season of transitioning from college to graduate school. She empowered me to find structure and set objectives while also giving me techniques for improving my mindset and mental clarity. The tools Denise taught me have laid a foundation that will continue to be built upon as I progress through life. -Carly


Let’s partner together to get your girl results!

I’ll help your daughter gain confidence, clarify her goals and then custom design a pathway for her to achieve tangible measurable results through guidance, tools and strategies.

Three essential elements for success are:

The right system, the right accountability, and the right support.

Life coaching program for teen girls and young women ages 14-24 program by certified life coach, Denise Kiker, Charlotte, NC.

Life Coaching Programs

I’ll work with your teen or college aged daughter to uncover her potential, find clarity, build confidence to move forward, learn life skills and develop emotional maturity as she transitions toward adulthood. Let’s work together to build the mindset, skills, and confidence she need to thrive!

Denise Kiker, Charlotte NC area life coach and speaker for teen girls and young adult women to gain confidence and life skills.

Speaking Engagements

Are you looking for an inspiring speaker to empower and motivate the teen girls and young women in your community? As a life coach, I specialize in helping young women build self-confidence, set meaningful goals, and navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength.


When my daughter started to exhibit some social, emotional & academic challenges, Denise was the first person I reached out to for help. Denise, worked with my daughter to help her find success. Together they created goals for my daughter to attain & created action items to meet those goals. Denise also helped her navigate the social and emotional challenges she was encountering. My daughter has grown academically, socially & emotionally since working with Denise. She has started to use more critical thinking skills to make decisions, which Denise modeled brilliantly in every session with my daughter. -Jamye

Meet Denise Kiker, certified teen life coach, health/wellness/life coach and speaker. Located in Charlotte, NC.

I’m Denise Kiker


I’m filled with a passion to help young women transition to adulthood with confidence, overcome obstacles and stumbling blocks that keep them stuck, uninspired and wishing for something more.

Stop wishing.

Take just one step forward by having a complimentary chat with me. Let’s see if we’re a good fit. If we are, I’ll help you go the rest of the way.

Not even sure what you want but you’re sure it’s not where you’re currently at? Or have more than one goal?

I can help you find clarity. It’s hard to hit a target if you don’t know where you’re aiming, isn’t it?

Want to find out more about my why? You might find we’re very similar and I do understand your circumstances.

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Ready for peace of mind?

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